prime DX Liquid

This is an innovative assay in the field of Oncology.

The new prime DX® Liquid test consists of a panel of 1021 genes, which analyses the immunotherapy biomarkers TMB, MSI, HLA, allowing the treating physician to plan an effective treatment for the patient, including immunotherapy, chemotherapy, PARP inhibitors and compatibility of participation in clinical trials.In addition,

prime DX® Liquid, analyses genes involved in genetic predisposition to cancer, thus providing information to the physician about the likelihood of an inherited cancer syndrome.Recommended for the following cases:

Liquid Biopsy – Advantages

Tissue biopsy is the test of choice for testing the molecular profile of the tumour. Liquid biopsy is an alternative method in which free circulating genetic material (ctDNA) from the tumour in a blood sample is isolated and tested.

Results and Reporting

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